:hide-toc: ********** Open Dylan ********** .. TODO: either reference https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2015/08/essence-of-object-functional-programming-practical-potential-of-scala/ or better, write up our own description of object functional. .. raw:: html
Dylan is an :doc:`object-functional ` language originally :doc:`created by Apple ` for the Newton. Dylan is a direct descendant of Scheme and CLOS (without the Lisp syntax) with a programming model designed to support efficient machine code generation, including fine-grained control over dynamic and static behaviors. .. raw:: html
New to Dylan? We recommend starting with the :doc:`Tour of Dylan `, a quick (30 minute) overview of the language, and/or stop by and ask questions on `Matrix`_. If you want to play around without having to install anything, try out the `Playground`_. It has a fixed set of imports so you don't have to worry about how to define libraries and modules right away. Then maybe try one of these more in-depth guides: * :doc:`opendylan/documentation/intro-dylan/source/index` provides a high-level overview of language features. * `Dylan Programming Guide`_ is a book length Dylan tutorial. The `Dylan Reference Manual`_, besides being the official language definition, has an excellent, very brief `introduction `_ describing the language background and goals. Or explore :doc:`all the docs `, including cheat sheets, articles, and all the library docs. .. raw:: html Install Dylan... *Happy hacking!* .. _Dylan Programming Guide: https://opendylan.org/books/dpg/ .. _Dylan Reference Manual: https://opendylan.org/books/drm/ .. _Dylan: books/drm/Title .. _Matrix: https://app.element.io/#/room/#dylan-language:matrix.org .. _Playground: https://play.opendylan.org .. toctree:: :caption: Community :hidden: Get Involved Download Hacker Guide Enhancement Proposals .. toctree:: :caption: Learning :hidden: Tour of Dylan Getting Started Guide Dylan Programming Guide .. Note that the package/index reference below is not part of this repository; it's generated by the gendoc library, which (obviously) must be run before `make html`. .. toctree:: :caption: Reference Docs :hidden: Dylan Reference Manual Package Docs Open Dylan Libraries All Documentation